
Criminal 2022 Live Tour

Hi, it’s Phoebe. Thank you so much for buying a ticket to come see Criminal live this Spring.

We’d planned a 24-city tour, criss-crossing the United States and visiting Ireland, Scotland, and several cities in England, and I was really looking forward to it. Getting to meet listeners in person is one of our favorite things.

We’ve been talking every day about what to do, and have made the decision to cancel the tour. It’s disappointing and wasn’t an easy decision.

What this means for you:

You’ll automatically get a refund. It will come from wherever you bought your tickets.

We’re inviting you to join us for an exclusive virtual event this Spring. It will be fun. Enter your email in the form below to hear about next steps.

We’re going to get back on the road in 2023 and hope to see you then.

Thanks for listening. Talk to you soon.

Phoebe Judge